
이월드에디팅 고객센터

담당자 : 최선

연락처 : 02-785-4157,4152


연세대 미래캠퍼스

담당자 : 이경식

연락처 : 033-760-5238


eWorld formatting of papers for specific journals
eWorld expert native English-speaking science editors are on hand to help you format your paper for the journal of your choice. Formatting specifics include the following:   1) All aspects of a paper are subject to the specific requirements of each journal and include duplicate/prior/overlapping submissions, conflict of interest and disclosure policies, formatting of funding sources, authorship criteria, acknowledgements, ORCID IDs for authors, ethical approval of studies, reporting guidelines, clinical trial registration, manuscript preparation, cover letters, potential reviewers, ti…
Common Grammar Mistakes: Subject/Verb Agreement and Using That/Which
Grammar is one of the more difficult aspects of English. Each language has its own structure for communicating information. Sentence structure includes the relationship between: · Nouns (words that name something, e.g., house, heart, X-ray); · Verbs (words that specify actions associated with the noun(s) in a sentence, e.g., walk, give, analyze); · Adjectives (words that describe characteristics of noun(s), e.g., gray rat, hard lump, thorough examination); · Adverbs (a word or phrase that modifies or qualifies an adjective, verb, other adverb, or a wor…
Clarity in science writing
Your manuscript should be written as clearly as possible so that editors, reviewers, and readers will understand the scope and key findings of your research. What defines “clarity” or “writing clearly” in science writing? Simplicity is best. Clear writing should avoid the following:   a) Unclear technical language Unclear technical language refers to the use of highly specialized language, or jargon. While you should not avoid technical language, it can be helpful to provide descriptions and language that non-experts can understand. This can be accomplished by provid…
A Quick Guide to Acronym Use
Scientists can struggle to find the balance between conveying the importance of their research and findings without overstating their results. Being assertive reinforces that your research warrants attention. Generally, you want to state your results using direct and positive language. Weak language can detract from your main points and fail to attract interest in your research. Using phrases with many caveats and exceptions can sound uncertain, weakening your results. Examples of phrases to avoid are given below. Example 1: Though inconclusive, herein we review many met…
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