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Korea’s Number 1 Editing Service for STM (Science, Technology and Medicine) Writers


Clarity in science writing
Your manuscript should be written as clearly as possible so that editors, reviewers, and readers will understand the scope and key findings of your research. What defines “clarity” or “writing clearly” in science writing?

Simplicity is best. Clear writing should avoid the following:


a) Unclear technical language

Unclear technical language refers to the use of highly specialized language, or jargon. While you should not avoid technical language, it can be helpful to provide descriptions and language that non-experts can understand. This can be accomplished by providing clear definitions and characterizations in your paper.

It is best to carefully evaluate the audience that will be reading your work. Are you submitting to a journal that is highly specific to a very small field, or is it a journal that covers multiple fields or a broad industry? This will influence the concepts to be defined in detail and the use of jargon.


b) Colloquial or vague language

Similarly, colloquial or overly vague language can make your research difficult to understand. This is best described as “writing in the way you would speak.” There are many informal, slang, or vague terms that we use in everyday language that are not appropriate in science writing.

A few examples of colloquial words include:

a lot (alternatives: several, many numerous)
kind of / sort of (alternatives: somewhat, rather)
nowadays (alternatives: currently, recently, in recent times)

The use of formal language is very important since it is more precise and can reduce confusion.


When considering both of these points, the key is to find an appropriate balance between highly specialized technical language (for experts) and user-friendly language (for non-experts). That is, the writing should be clear but accessible.

In summary, clarity is important to writing in general, but is especially important in scientific writing. Here are a few guidelines:

ㆍAvoid undefined technical language. Provide descriptions of technical terms so that non-experts can understand your paper.
ㆍBe sure that all acronyms are defined.
ㆍAvoid contractions (couldn’t, doesn’t, won’t).
ㆍAvoid the use of vague, colloquial, or informal terms.
ㆍMake sure any results or key ideas are plainly stated.